Finding out if you have accumulated toxins and undertaking a detoxification plan can restore your health.

Carlos’s story… Carlos had been suffering from tiredness and fatigue for 2 years. In a check-up examination at work, they did not find anything striking, however, in our consultation, we reviewed in detail his previous blood test results and observed that he had a high probability of having a high accumulated load… The result was […]
Our genetics are not our destiny.

We often hear that our genetics determines our health, so we are condemned to suffer from certain diseases. But this is not so! Our genes do not determine our destiny in terms of health. Today we tell you how the environment and the choices we make throughout life are the main determinants of a healthy […]
Toxins can be ruining your health without knowing it.

An article published in the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal, declares that pollution, that is, the contamination of the environment and the resulting accumulation of toxins in the body, is the main cause of death and illness in modern times, far surpassing smoking, infections and accidents. Taken from “The Lancet Commission on pollution and health.” […]
Dysglycemia – What is it and how to prevent it?

Normally, our body needs sugars to generate the energy required for the functioning of different organs. However, its excess can trigger metabolic diseases such as dysglycemia. We tell you what it is and how to mitigate it, all from the approach of the EOS CENTER in Functional Medicine. What is dysglycemia? Dysglycemia is an alteration […]
Everything you need to know about autoimmune diseases!

Our immune system protects us from viruses and bacteria that cause infections and diseases. However, it may happen that it does not distinguish between foreign cells and its cells, and begins to release antibodies to fight them all equally. That’s when we talk about autoimmune diseases. We tell you about them. Autoimmune diseases Are a […]
Toxins, the hidden cause of obesity

How Angela solved her obesity problem: Angela came to my office looking for a solution to obesity, after having failed with multiple diets and exercise schemes to lose weight. I had always thought, like most patients, that their obesity was only related to the amount of calories ingested. 2 concepts were clear from the first […]
What is fibromyalgia? What are your symptoms? Do you have treatment?

Fibromyalgia has classically been defined as “a chronic (long-lasting) disorder that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body, fatigue, and problems sleeping.” In addition to this definition, the NIH (United States National Institute of Health) adds that “doctors do not fully understand what causes fibromyalgia. Is it true that the cause is not understood? Are […]
Chronic inflammation? Six lifestyle factors that can cause it.

Some stimuli in modern life contribute to our body becoming inflamed and can trigger diseases such as diabetes, cancer, or hypertension. We tell you what they are so that you can combat chronic inflammation through functional medicine. Inflammation is a natural reaction of our body to various aggressors, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, or toxic […]
What are the toxins that make us sick?

Industrial development has brought us many benefits, but simultaneously it has released thousands of toxins into the environment. In most cases, toxins have been released into the environment without knowing practically anything about them or how they can affect the functioning of our body. In recent years, as a result of the devastating health consequences […]
What should I eat if I have an autoimmune disease?

If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you can implement healthy habits to help you control it. One of them is good nutrition. We tell you what foods to eat and which to avoid, all from the perspective of functional medicine by the professionals at the EOS Center in Medellín, Colombia. What are […]