An article published in the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal, declares that pollution, that is, the contamination of the environment and the resulting accumulation of toxins in the body, is the main cause of death and illness in modern times, far surpassing smoking, infections and accidents.

Taken from “The Lancet Commission on pollution and health.”
The reason is very simple: Any disease you can imagine can be started, maintained or worsened by the accumulation of toxins in our body. So if you have diabetes, obesity, autoimmunity, cancer, fatigue, hypertension, liver disease, allergies, skin diseases and a long list of diseases and symptoms, it is very likely that you have accumulated toxins aggravating your health problem.
What you'll see in this article
How do accumulated toxins destroy my health?
There are countless ways in which toxins destroy health, but in general terms, we can highlight some points:
- They alter energy production and deplete the body’s nutrient and antioxidant resources.
- Once you run out of nutrients and energy, your body loses the ability to eliminate toxins (a process that requires many nutrients and a lot of energy), and you enter a vicious cycle of lack of energy, nutrients, and progressive accumulation of more. and more toxins.
- Without energy in your body and with the antioxidant system depleted, you enter a spiral in which any organ can begin to function poorly: brain, kidneys, liver, hormonal system… etc.
- Finally, it should be noted that some toxins profoundly alter the hormonal system with multiple consequences such as obesity, infertility, thyroid disorders and a long etcetera.
The mysterious story of Maria…
Maria attended my consultation looking for a solution to her obesity. She was frustrated because after multiple diets, strenuous exercise routines, and visiting endocrinologists and weight-loss clinics, she would simply gain back the weight she had lost and even gain more. In my consultation we find the cause of your obesity and design a personalized detoxification plan. Maria was able to reach a healthy and stable weight.
Maria never imagined that toxins could be the cause of her health problem. Knowledge is power, and in this sense, recognizing that you have toxins accumulated in your body can be the key to recovering your health.
The Lancet Commission on pollution and health. Lancet. 2018 Feb
3;391(10119):462-512. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32345-0.